"Applied interactivity" course - Videomapping - Unity3D - C# development - After Effects
"Videogame development" course - 2D Narrative videogame - Unity - C# development - Game design
Interactive video mapping - Unity - C# development - CLIENT: Vans Italia
Interactive video installation - Unity - Arduino - C# - Java - OpenGL shader - Distretto Culturale Val Camonica
"Videogame development" course - 3D adventure videogame - Unity - C# - 3D animation - Kinect - Motion capture
App - Augmented Reality - Vuforia AR - Unity - C# development - Apple iOS - Google Android - CLIENT: Hi-Roma for RAI TV
Interactive video installation - Unity - Computer Vision - C# development - CLIENT: Fondazione Luigi Nono e Fondazione Paolo Grassi
App - Augmented Reality - Vuforia AR - Unity - C# develpment - 2D animation - CLIENT: MammaFotogramma
Unity official cetification 2018-2020
App - 2D narrative videogame - iOS - Android - Unity - C# development - Game design - CLIENT: Neologie
Educational videogame - iOS - Android - Unity - C# development - Game design - CLIENT: Imparole Snc
Interactive video installation - Multimedia design - Unity - C# development - CLIENT: Fondazione Magistretti
Interactive multimedia exhibition - Interactive video installations - Technical direction - C development - CLIENT: Studio Azzurro Produzioni
Interactive video installation - 2D animation - C# - Computer vision - CLIENT: Corriere della Sera
Interactive video scenography for opera - Technical direction - Realtime multimedia software design - C# development - CLIENT: Studio Azzurro Produzioni per Teatro dell'Opera di Stoccarda
"Applied interactivity" course - Historical 3D images restoration - 3D TV - 3D glasses
Synchronised video installation - Arduino - Raspberry Pi - Java and C-shell development - CLIENT: Museo Plart di Napoli
Interactive video installation - Interaction design - HTML and Javascript development - Kinect - CLIENT: Cortex Srl per Solo Affitti
Luchino Visconti Cinema Institute of Milan
La vita segreta delle cose
Interactive video installation - Unity - Arduino - C# - Java - OpenGL shader - CLIENT:Distretto Culturale Val Camonica
Promo rai tv digitale terrestre
App - Prototipo - Realtà aumentata AR - Unity - Programmazione C# - Vuforia AR - Animazione 2.5D - CLIENT: Mammafotogramma
Unity certified developer
Unity official cetification 2018-2020 (link)
Nel West con Coccobill
Interactive video scenography for opera - Technical direction - Realtime multimedia software design - C# development - CLIENT: Studio Azzurro Produzioni for Stuttgart's Opera House
Interactvie shop window
Interactive video installation - Interaction design - HTML and Javascript development - Kinect - CLIENT: Cortex Srl for Solo Affitti